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Capacity Building of Mass Media Representatives on Sexuality

02 July, 2018

On June 29-30, 2018, the second part of the 4-part training course on Capacity Building of Mass Media Representatives was held by "New Generation" Humanitarian NGO. The topic of the training was Sexuality.

On the first day of the training Sexuality expert Alik Ustyan presented the following topics։ “Sexuality. Its definition and components”, “Biological sex”, “Sexual Identity and Sexual Behaviour”, “Sexual Orientation and its types”.

On second day "Gender Definition", "Gender Expression: Gender Roles", "Gender stereotypes"," "Transgender Components", "Sexual orientation manifestations with transgender people" topics were presented.

The training was full of active questions and answers, interactive exercises, video and slide-show presentations.


The training was implemented by ″New Generation″ Humanitarian NGO within the framework of project on Capacity Building and Empowerment for Protection of Human Rights of LGBTI People in Armenia with the financial support of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee