New Generation Humanitarian NGO announces an open call for small sub-grants.
The proposed projects shall be aimed at the promotion of Human Rights of LGBTI People and elimination of discrimination in Armenia.
The budget of every sub-grant project is from €500 to €1000։
Projects shall be completed as of July 31, 2020.
To apply for the project please fill in the APPLICATION FORM till March 31, 2020.
Who can apply NGOs and initiative groups who are engaged in promotion and protection of LGBTI rights and issues, in the fight against discrimination in Armenia.
The sub-grants are provided by New Generation Humanitarian NGO within the framework of the project on Capacity building and Empowerment for protection of human rights of LGBTI people in Armenia implemented with the financial support of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee.
The project goal is to foster protection of human rights of LBGTI people and elimination of discrimination in Armenia.